Find out 2nd highest salary

Select  * from emp 
where sal=(Select  max(sal)  from emp
           Where sal<(select max(sal) from emp)
select * From emp e
  Where 2-1=(select count(distinct sal) from emp m where m.sal>e.sal);


select * From emp e
   Where 2=(select count(distinct sal) from emp m where m.sal>=e.sal);
In place of 2 ,you can put 3(third highest salary), 4(third highest salary) … so on

Using dense_rank

Select * from
        (select dense_rank() over(order by sal desc) as dr,e.* from emp e )
        Where dr=2;

Using row_number

Select * from
    (select row_number() over(order by sal desc) as rn,e.* from emp e )
    Where rn=2;

2nd highest salary output on tool

2nd highest salary
Retrieve 2nd highest salary from emp table

3rd highest salary

using densk_rank

Select * from
        (select dense_rank() over(order by sal desc) as dr,e.* from emp e )
        Where dr=3;

Using row_number

Select * from
    (select row_number() over(order by sal desc) as rn,e.* from emp e )
    Where rn=3;

This is the way to find out 2ng,3rd,4th … salary find out.

3nd highest salary output on tool

 3rd highest salary from emp table
Retrieve 3rd highest salary from emp table

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