Query to display string in vertical form
Sample Table CREATE TABLE Testdata ( SomeID INT, OtherID INT, String VARCHAR(MAX) ) INSERT Testdata SELECT 1, 9, '18,20,22' INSERT Testdata SELECT 2, 8, '17,19' INSERT Testdata SELECT 3, 7,…
Retrieve data from emp table Emp table find out the last last 4 rows inserted
If I have a table with a column that contains fullnames such as : select * from name table; name table IDNAME101sachin ramesh tendulkar102virat koholi103rabi sastri104thakur ramesh kar105pratap ram sek…
Retrieve data from emp table The Query select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy'),count(*) from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') having count(*)>=(select max(count(*)) from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')) ;
Q. Table_ASl_no1234 Table_BSl_no12 output should be only 3&4 without using minus or exists just using left join . left join minus output SQL- query to find out the distinct values…
Retrieve data from emp table i.e How many duplicate records are present (department and salary wise) in emp-table
We are retrieve the records from emp table. or output on tool
Using dense_rank Using row_number 2nd highest salary output on tool Retrieve 2nd highest salary from emp table 3rd highest salary using densk_rank Select * from (select dense_rank() over(order by…